Make sure as much of your product as possible is equipped with TracTech RFID tags. To help manufacturers and others dealing with large numbers of loose gems, TracTech has developed tags specifically designed to be used on diamond papers and polybags.

Going through vaults of merchandise is a time consuming and often frustrating process. Trac tech can ease the burden of manual counting and free you from the need to individual scan untold numbers of bar codes.Whether you’re dealing with diamond papers or individual items, TracTech will be an invaluable tool that will allow you to capture major amounts of information with minimal effort.


Sales lines can spend an entire year on the road without a detailed inventory of the line. While your low-technology competitors are taking their trays and rolls apart and doing inventory, slowly, piece by piece, you can simply be placing them in a TracTech scanner and getting full information in a manner of moments.

It’s a great idea to take a look at how you’re handling your sales lines and think through the ways that integrating RFID into the process can help you speed things up. Whether you use trays, rolls or your items are in displays, it’s all the same to TracTech. We can read the tags without you ever having to pick up an item, giving you full information in a matter of minutes. Now is the time to think about your sales lines that are due back in at the start of the year. TracTech RFID can help you put your sales lines in order.


New tools such as our HR-300 hand-held scanner mean users now have a wireless, hand-held scanner that can allow them to capture information as they walk around the stores without opening display cases or directly handling products.

Getting accurate data off sales floors without interrupting salespeople during the busiest time of the year can prove an invaluable advantage, one that, once again, will put TracTech users ahead of their competitors.